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News Updates, Page 5

New Guest Orientation Weekends 2022

We are delighted to announce the resumption of our New Guest Orientation Weekends. This is a great opportunity to welcome new guests for an overnight visit and to experience life at Tisarana.

Please refer to dates on our calendar.

Please note that those registering are required to attend for the full duration – arriving on a Friday afternoon and departing on the following Monday morning. … Read the rest

2022 Winter Retreat

The Canada geese have now been back in our marsh for a couple of weeks. No matter the actual calendar date, this is the sign we await to mark the beginning of Spring and, with it, the nearing of the Winter retreat’s end. Today we had a pair of new visitors at mealtime, marking another change, another ‘year,’ when the Tisarana community shifts into its more active mode.

Before doing so, some reflections on the past three months. Along with our long-term Stewards (Niraso, Karano, Michelle), this year we had a harmonious group of full- or nearly full-time retreatants (Viboon, Teri, Tid James, Curtis) to assist in the normal kitchen and cleaning duties as well as the seasonal snow clearing. Anagarikas Aidan and Daniel also served in the kitchen as well as in their functions as monastics-in-training. Tan Amarasiri led regular chanting sessions and Dhamma instruction (in addition to various office and accounting duties). Ajahn Pavaro offered several diversionary slide shows of Asian sites and pilgrimages. In addition to leading the community in the three hour period of meditation observed for three weeks each month, Luang Por Viradhammo set daily tone with a reading from Ajahn Jayasaro’s inspiring biography of Luang Por Chah.… Read the rest

April is Old Friends month & New Guest Orientations to Resume in May 2022

With the arrival of Spring and loosening of Covid restrictions, we are delighted to welcome back our old friends and supporters for overnight visits. Supporters and friends of long-standing are invited to visit us by filling in a Guest Booking form. The Office will get back to you shortly.

With the mandates around Covid relaxing, the monastery will be able to resume our orientations for people seeking their first overnight visit. These typically take place on one weekend per month through to December. 

If you wish to be a first-time overnight guest at Tisarana, more information is available in the “New Guest Orientation Training” section under Visiting/Guest Information. The first weekend Orientation for the year 2022 will be scheduled for May. Dates for this session will be posted around 25th of April 2022. We thank you for your patience and understanding. Read the rest

End of Year Reflections (2021) by Ajahn Pavaro

Another round of seasons at Tisarana. The quiet, open space of the previous winter retreat is long past; subsequent seasons have been filled with regular pujas and Sangha gatherings, daily chores, needed kuti repairs, cabinetry, and numerous planning meetings for our prospective Dhamma Hall. Especially since mid-August (when a public ceremony marked the Hall’s formal site clearing) more folks have arrived for visits. It’s been a pleasure to see people’s full faces again and to share in their appreciation for rejoining the Tisarana Sangha, and one another, in person.

Now it’s December 25th. My day has begun by sitting with the community, as Luang Por Viradhammo leads a meditation session, and responds to questions over Zoom from students in distant Singapore. While listening to Luang Por, from time to time my awareness gathers elsewhere. The theme of my delinquent morning attention? Ingmar Bergman’s production of Mozart’s The Magic Flute. Watching the film in lay life for many years on Boxing Day has rendered it, seemingly indelibly, into the mood of the season for me. After all, this is a season redolent with perception and memory, even within our rich Buddhist environment. (As further demonstrations, a festive little tree stands near the food-offering area; today’s meal will include shortbread and fruit cake.)… Read the rest

Timeless Knowing – An Online ‘BUDDHAMAS’ meditation retreat with Luang Por Viradhammo

All are invited to attend another online retreat offered by Luang Por Viradhammo this holiday season, organised by our Dhamma Friends in Asia.

Date: 24 – 26 Dec 2021
Register Now:
Closing Date: 18 Dec (Sat), 6pm (Singapore GMT+8)

:: Retreat Handbook with Programme ::
Please visit BDF website for details.

:: Enquiries ::
For enquiries, please email us at

This online retreat is jointly organised by BuddhaDhamma Foundation and NDR – Nibbana Dhamma Rakkha 护法苑

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Important information for Canadian donations, Financial Year 2021

Dear donors, supporters & friends,

As the calendar year comes to a close, it’s time for us to close our books of accounts and start the process of issuing tax receipts for Canadian donors.

If you are a resident of Canada or if you file taxes in Canada, you are eligible to receive a tax deductible receipt from Tisarana for any donations (cash or in-kind) you may have made in the Financial Year 2021.

Please note that we have received many donations (physically at the monastery and online) which have insufficient donor details. If you have made a donation to Tisarana and feel that you have not communicated your contact details, please email us your official name and full postal address (complete with postal code) to We will then issue tax receipts early next year to that same email address.

Additionally, please note that any online domestic donations received after 5 PM on 31st Dec 2021 will be accounted for in our 2022 books. This means that for any donations received by us via Wire Transfer, PayPal or Interac eTransfer after 5 PM on 31st Dec, 2021, those donors can expect to receive tax receipts in early 2023.

We are extremely grateful for your continued generosity, warmth and support.… Read the rest

In My Teacher’s Footsteps

The podcast, Where Are You Going, has a new audio Buddhist pilgrimage book which you can listen to in weekly instalments. Over this winter Nick Scott will be reading In My Teacher’s Footsteps, the account of how Ajahn Amaro, he and four others followed Luang Poh Sumedho to Mount Kailash in Tibet.

You can start listening here:

No pilgrimage is harder or more ancient than the journey up and over the Himalayan defile to circle Mount Kailash in Tibet. Ajahn Sumedho wanted to do it as a young American in 1950’s California, but only got the opportunity when he was a famous Buddhist monk, aged 60. Nick Scott trained him in European mountains and here recounts his teacher’s attempts, the dire results, and Nick’s own subsequent pilgrimage to the Holy Mountain, with Ajahn Amaro, which nearly killed him. This is a book about adversity, how to face it and what can be gained. But it’s more than that. It’s about the whole journey: life and how to use it, and its difficulties, to find freedom from suffering.Read the rest

2021 Kathina Announcement

This year’s monastic Rains Retreat, marking another ‘year in the robes’ for Bhikkhus at Tisarana Buddhist Monastery, will end on October 21st. Traditionally, what follows is a month-long period during which a ‘Kathina cloth’ may be offered by lay supporters. This has long been a beloved event in Buddhist cultures, one arranged in advance by the donors. On the day it is offered, some of this cloth is dyed and sewn by the resident Sangha, and presented to one of the monks before the following dawn.

For many reasons – both ancient and altogether contemporary – Kathina is a truly auspicious day of the annual monastic calendar, and one in which gratitude and blessings abound.

This year’s Kathina is being offered by the Royal Thai Embassy, Ottawa, on October 31st.

Covid protocols currently in place for outdoor public gatherings are restricted to 25 people. Therefore our formal Kathina ceremony on the 31st  will be restricted to the Embassy staff and their families. 

However, in what remains of the Kathina month (until Nov 21, 2021), groups of 25 people or less are invited to join the Tisarana community for the meal and to make offerings if they wish. Those seeking to do so are requested to please email the Tisarana Office in advance, to ensure that groups don’t exceed the maximum number.… Read the rest

Site Clearing Ceremony for Tisarana Dhamma Hall – August 15

In addition to the normal routines and business of the monastery, over the past seven years considerable energy has been directed towards envisioning, designing, contracting and planning to build a Dhamma Hall at Tisarana. With each passing month, now, these plans are coming closer to completion. And so, to honour this quickening pace, on August 15th the Tisarana community gathered to prepare the physical site – with chanting, with words of acknowledgement and appreciation. 

The event enabled Luang Por Viradhammo and the assembled community to share blessings, as well as design plans, with a large group of supporters from the Ottawa region and beyond. It’s an understatement to say it was much needed, given that this was the first generous gathering of people we’ve had in over a year-and-a-half. So wonderful to see people taking in the atmosphere of the monastery, and friends being reunited again, in person! 

The ceremony took place in Tisarana’s new event tent, set more or less in the middle of the eventual Hall. Things began with Tan Sirimedho outlining the history of this property and the surrounding region, then giving some specific idea about the design of the prospective Dhamma Hall. The Hall’s outlines had been neatly spray-painted on the grass. … Read the rest

Date Change for the Annual General Meeting for the Year 2020

PLEASE NOTE that the Date of AGM has been changed to: Sunday, September 5, 2021.

Place: Tisarana Buddhist Monastery – 1356 Powers Road, Perth, Ontario K7H 3C5

Time: 130pm (EDT)

The Directors of the Board of Tisarana Buddhist Monastery cordially invite all members of good standing to attend the Annual General Meeting (AGM) scheduled to be held on the date above.


Tilak Gunawardhane
Secretary to the Board

August 22, 2021… Read the rest