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News Updates, Page 17

Schedule Updates and the Noble Eightfold Path Study Group

We would like to update you with the following Tisarana schedule changes:

1) The Tisarana Kathina will take place on Sunday, November 8th at Tisarana Monastery

2) Teachings on the Noble Eightfold Path and the Satipatthana Sutta will be offered once a month by Ajahn Viradhammo and other monks at Tisarana Monastery in the outdoor tent.

11:00 am Dana (Potluck lunch)
1:00 pm Chanting and meditation
1:50 pm Dhamma talk on chosen theme
2:45 pm Break (those who have just come for the talk can leave)
3:00 pm Q&A
4:00 pm Finish with the five precepts

These special Saturday study groups are open to the public on these dates and with these themes:

July 11th: Right Effort

August 15th: Satipatthana – Mindfulness of the Body

September 12th: Satipatthana – Mindfulness of Feeling

October 10th: Satipatthana – Mindfulness of the Mind

November 7th: Satipatthana – Mindfulness of Mind Objects

December 12th: Right Concentration… Read the rest

Upcoming Luang Por Liem Visit, June 19 to 24, 2015

This coming week, June 19 to 24, Luang Por Liem, Luang Por Jundee, Ajahn Seyk, and Ajahn Thaniyo will be visiting Tisarana Monastery.

Luang Por Liem (who has been monk for more than 50 years) is the abbot of Ajahn Chah’s main monastery in Thailand, Wat Nong Pah Pong and was the monk who succeeded Ajahn Chah more than 25 years ago. Luang Por Liem is a highly respected elder and central figure in our tradition. He is known for his wisdom, humility, and quiet, even temperament. Over the past two decades Luang Por has been the preceptor for many monks and a source of guidance and inspiration for our widespread communities in Thailand and abroad. As well as a gifted teacher, he is also an accomplished craftsman and has been instrumental in the planning and building of many Dhamma Halls in our branch monasteries.

Luang Por Jundee has been a monk for 40 years and was ordained with Ajahn Chah just after Luang Por Viradhammo. He is presently the abbot of Wat Pah Ampahwan, a beautiful monastery in Chonburi province.

We are very happy to welcome Luang Por Liem and Luang Por Jundee to Tisarana this coming week. It is a great honour to our community.… Read the rest

Vesākha Pūjā: Saturday, May 30, 2015

This year we will hold our annual Vesākha Pūjā on Saturday, May 30. This is a day commemorating the Buddha’s birth, enlightenment, and death.

The commemoration will begin with the taking of the 5 Precepts at 10:30 am under the large outdoor tent (conditions permitting).

At 11:00 am the monks will receive the meal danā (a potluck lunch).

Around 1:00 pm, after everyone is finished eating and the dishes have been cleaned, we will reassemble for blessing chants, a short sitting, and a Dhamma talk by Luang Por Vīradhammo.

Everyone is welcome to attend for all or part of the day.… Read the rest

Community Work Bee: Landscaping at Tisarana, Saturday, May 9, 9 am to 4 pm.

From Akka Janssen . . .

Two Springs ago Tina suggested I become a garden keeper at Tisarana and the role has given me great pleasure. The monastery is a wholly welcoming and peaceful place with a wonderful community of monks and lay people. I frequently schedule my garden work visits to coincide with Saturday’s meditation and Dhamma talks: gardening, and food for the soul. The property is large and there is always brush to be cleared, suckers to be cut back, pathways to be raked as well as finer gardening jobs such as weeding, amending soil, transplanting, and rearranging existing plants. Currently there is a large project underway to landscape the grounds around the new monks’ building so that means there are holes to be dug, shrubs and groundcovers to be planted, manure and mulch to be spread. A work bee to accomplish some of this will be held on Saturday, May 9th. See the Tisarana website for details. Gardening at Tisarana is a gift that keeps on giving.
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2015: Endings and Beginnings

As we enter a budding spring time at Tisarana after the ending of our winter retreat, many changes have been brought to the fore.

The Saturday Afternoon Program Resumes Beginning at 1:00 pm.

The first Saturday of April brought many old friends back to the monastery and we would like to announce a small change in schedule. A request was made from lay supporters to have the Saturday program begin at 1:00 pm instead of 2:00 pm due to the long wait for the practice session to begin after the meal and to allow those from further distances to return home sooner rather than later.

The Next Work Bee on Saturday, May 9

We plan to hold a work bee to initiate planting trees at the monastery. Both Noi and Aka are offering their time to help with further landscaping and will be leading a tree planting day on Saturday, May 9. The work will begin around 9:00 am and end around 4:00 pm. After the work is finished Luang Por Viradhammo will have an early tea with anyone who is interested in speaking with him. This is in lieu of the regular Saturday sit and talk that we will forgo on May 9th.… Read the rest

Temporary Suspension of Saturday Afternoon Talks for the Winter Retreat

During Tisarana’s Winter Retreat (January 1st to March 31st) we will not be holding our usual Saturday afternoon meditation and Dhamma talk sessions. However, for anyone who is interested in attending any of the Lunar Observance Day evening sessions, we will have our usual puja and sitting beginning at 7:00 pm and a live or recorded talk held shortly thereafter. The monks and community residents will continue practicing until midnight.

The Lunar Observance Days will be held on: January 4, 12, 19, and 27. February 3, 11, 17, and 25. March 4, 12, 19, and 27.… Read the rest

New Year’s Greeting from Ajahn Vīradhammo

Dear friends of Tisarana,

I am drafting this New Year’s letter, flying on a 747 high over the Arctic, just having the crossed the Bering Straights and now heading south over Russia, mainland China and then on to Hong Kong. I’m on my way to Thailand for a bit of teaching and a touch of monkish vacation.

I trust your year has been edifying and your practice of the Buddha-Dhamma has deepened and broadened your understanding of life. I hope you are well. I have had a very rewarding year, filled with the ups and downs of worldly existence yet always buoyed by the lightness of knowing the way things are. Our Tisarana sangha is well, living in harmony and diligently practicing the Buddha’s way.

I am glad to report that we have now moved into the new bhikkhu vihara. I have a somewhat fatherly feeling of happiness in seeing the sangha has such good facilities for bathing, meditation, office work and all the amenities of life that are so necessary in this cold climate. Building such facilities in tropical countries like Thailand is relatively straight forward. There are many, many people to lend a helping hand and the building requirements are relatively minimal because of the warm climate and less stringent building codes.Read the rest

New Year’s Eve Vigil and Bonfire

On Wednesday evening, December 31st, we will have our regular puja and meditation at 7:00 pm, followed by a Dhamma talk. Around 9:00 pm the Sangha will light a large bonfire outside the new Bhikkhu Vihara to bring in the New Year. All are welcome to join.… Read the rest

Commemoration & Dedication Ceremony on Sunday, December 7th

Beginning at 10:30 am, the Tisarana Community will commemorate Luang Por Vīradhammo’s mother’s birthday and dedicate blessings for the King of Thailand’s birthday. Also on this day, the Lay Saṅgha will offer the Bhikkhu Vihara and the new tractor to the Monastic Saṅgha. We will have a potluck meal at 11:00 am and afterwards everyone will be invited into the Bhikkhu Vihara Dhamma Hall for blessing chants.




 … Read the rest

Saturday, November 1st, 2:00 pm: Luang Por Pasanno will give a Dhamma Talk at Tisarana

Luang Por Pasanno, abbot of Abhayagiri Buddhist Monastery in Northern California, will be coming to Tisarana this weekend to participate in our Kathina. On Saturday, November 1st, Luang Por Pasanno will lead the weekly 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm meditation and Dhamma Talk.

All are welcome to join us for his Dhamma Talk and for the Tisarana Kathina.

The Kathina this year will be held at Civitan Hall in Perth (6787 Lanark County Road 43) and will begin at 10:00 am on Sunday, November 2nd.

For more Information about Tisarana’s Kathina please click here.… Read the rest