Friends On The Path
A compilation of eleven Dhamma talks by two of the senior nuns in the Western Forest Sangha.… Read the rest
A compilation of eleven Dhamma talks by two of the senior nuns in the Western Forest Sangha.… Read the rest
Cittaviveka is a pali term meaning ‘the mind of non-attachment’. Cittaviveka is also the name of Chithurst Buddhist Monastery in West Sussex, UK, the first forest-sangha monastery in Britain. The transcribed talks cover a wide range of subjects including the process of integrating Buddhism into the West, developing skilful means in practice and the relationship with a teacher.… Read the rest
A small booklet of edited talks given by Ajahn Sumedho on the central teaching of the Buddha: that the unhappiness of humanity can be overcome through spiritual means.… Read the rest
Three Dhamma talks by Ajahn Sumedho given during the early years of establishing Theravada Buddhist Monasteries in Britain. These talks consider the way we relate to the Three Refuges, using the basic meditation on Mindfulness of Breathing and reaching for Nibbana, the goal.… Read the rest
Five talks to the monastic community at Wat Pah Nanachat in May 1989, given by Ajahn Sumedho and transcribed by Bhikkhu Gavesako.… Read the rest
The Meditation Teaching of Luang Por Sumedho.… Read the rest
These transcribed talks by Ajahn Sumedho convey an intuitive understanding of the Buddha’s teaching which has arisen from the author’s many years of practice as a Buddhist monk.… Read the rest
Rude Awakenings records a journey by Ajahn Sucitto of Cittiviveka Monastery in West Sussex, UK and Nick Scott. They spent six months together retracing the Buddha’s footsteps in India, along with many detours and sidetracks both physical and psychological. The alternating versions of what each of them perceived of their outside world presents a vision of each human being’s pilgrimage through life.… Read the rest
This book is the sequel to Rude Awakenings. It records the seven hundred mile journey on foot, of Ajahn Sucitto and Nick Scott as they spent six months together in the Middle Land of the Buddha, as well as a long loop into Nepal and the Himalayas. The arduous nature of the pilgrimage, both physically and psychologically, ‘gives the reader a taste of Dhamma off the cushion and on the road’.… Read the rest
Based upon talks given at Cittaviveka by Ajahns Sucitto and Candasiri. Meditation alone is not a guaranteed entry into the sublime. This booklet is about the recognition and cultivation of skilful means whereby we bring emotive forces into our daily lives.… Read the rest