The Anattalakkhana Sutta and Not Self – Q & A
Ajahn Viradhammo. Ottawa Buddhist Society Fall Retreat in Arnprior (Eighteenth Talk).… Read the rest
Ajahn Viradhammo. Ottawa Buddhist Society Fall Retreat in Arnprior (Eighteenth Talk).… Read the rest
Ajahn Viradhammo. Ottawa Buddhist Society Fall Retreat in Arnprior (Nineteenth Talk).… Read the rest
From Akka Janssen . . .
Ajahn Viradhammo. Ottawa Buddhist Society Fall Retreat in Arnprior (Fourteenth Talk).… Read the rest
Ajahn Viradhammo. Ottawa Buddhist Society Fall Retreat in Arnprior (Fifteenth Talk).… Read the rest
Ajahn Viradhammo. Ottawa Buddhist Society Fall Retreat in Arnprior (Sixteenth Talk).… Read the rest
Ajahn Viradhammo. Ottawa Buddhist Society Fall Retreat in Arnprior (Eleventh Talk).… Read the rest
Ajahn Viradhammo. Ottawa Buddhist Society Fall Retreat in Arnprior (Twelfth Talk).… Read the rest
Ajahn Viradhammo. Ottawa Buddhist Society Fall Retreat in Arnprior (Thirteenth Talk).… Read the rest
As we enter a budding spring time at Tisarana after the ending of our winter retreat, many changes have been brought to the fore.
The Saturday Afternoon Program Resumes Beginning at 1:00 pm.
The first Saturday of April brought many old friends back to the monastery and we would like to announce a small change in schedule. A request was made from lay supporters to have the Saturday program begin at 1:00 pm instead of 2:00 pm due to the long wait for the practice session to begin after the meal and to allow those from further distances to return home sooner rather than later.
The Next Work Bee on Saturday, May 9
We plan to hold a work bee to initiate planting trees at the monastery. Both Noi and Aka are offering their time to help with further landscaping and will be leading a tree planting day on Saturday, May 9. The work will begin around 9:00 am and end around 4:00 pm. After the work is finished Luang Por Viradhammo will have an early tea with anyone who is interested in speaking with him. This is in lieu of the regular Saturday sit and talk that we will forgo on May 9th.… Read the rest