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TisaAdmin, Page 57

The Mood of the Mind

In this short talk before a meditation session, Ajahn Viradhammo speaks about awakening to the way things are, the mood of the mind, stabilizing awareness, the feel of the body and the mind, experiencing the mind and the body, and experience as “in awareness” — not as mine or self. This is the fifth talk from the 2014 Peterborough Retreat.… Read the rest

Inspiration and Diligence

Before a meditation session Ajahn Viradhammo gives a short reflection on Luang Por Liem’s awakening, inspiration and diligence, different manifestations of personality, seeing personality as an object of awareness — not as an awakened state. This is the sixth talk from the 2014 Peterborough Retreat.… Read the rest

It Depends

Ajahn Viradhammo gives a short talk followed by a brief guided meditation. He reflects on the conditioned nature of sense experience and the arising of emotional states and personality. He also reflects on the Buddhas teaching regarding conventional reality and transcendent reality, knowing the stream of consciousness. This is the seventh talk from the 2014 Peterborough Retreat.… Read the rest

Vesākha Pūjā: Saturday, May 30, 2015

This year we will hold our annual Vesākha Pūjā on Saturday, May 30. This is a day commemorating the Buddha’s birth, enlightenment, and death.

The commemoration will begin with the taking of the 5 Precepts at 10:30 am under the large outdoor tent (conditions permitting).

At 11:00 am the monks will receive the meal danā (a potluck lunch).

Around 1:00 pm, after everyone is finished eating and the dishes have been cleaned, we will reassemble for blessing chants, a short sitting, and a Dhamma talk by Luang Por Vīradhammo.

Everyone is welcome to attend for all or part of the day.… Read the rest

Non-Preoccupation with the khandas

Ajahn Viradhammo gives a short talk and guided meditation speaking about the five khandas and using the three principals of presence, non-anticipation, and non-resistance to support being watchful and available. This is the second talk from the Peterborough Retreat in 2014.… Read the rest

It All Belongs

Ajahn Viradhammo gives a brief talk about the third foundation of mindfulness, knowing mind states as opposed to being preoccupied by them. This is the third talk from the 2014 Peterborough Retreat.… Read the rest