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Seclusion of Body, Mind, and Heart – Luang Por Jundee

A very short talk given by Luang Por Jundee about the seclusion of body and mind (kāya viveka, citta viveka, and upadhi viveka). He explains the difference between bodily seclusion and the refined difference between being secluded from unpeaceful mind states and being completely secluded from all defilements within the mind.… Read the rest

Schedule Updates and the Noble Eightfold Path Study Group

We would like to update you with the following Tisarana schedule changes:

1) The Tisarana Kathina will take place on Sunday, November 8th at Tisarana Monastery

2) Teachings on the Noble Eightfold Path and the Satipatthana Sutta will be offered once a month by Ajahn Viradhammo and other monks at Tisarana Monastery in the outdoor tent.

11:00 am Dana (Potluck lunch)
1:00 pm Chanting and meditation
1:50 pm Dhamma talk on chosen theme
2:45 pm Break (those who have just come for the talk can leave)
3:00 pm Q&A
4:00 pm Finish with the five precepts

These special Saturday study groups are open to the public on these dates and with these themes:

July 11th: Right Effort

August 15th: Satipatthana – Mindfulness of the Body

September 12th: Satipatthana – Mindfulness of Feeling

October 10th: Satipatthana – Mindfulness of the Mind

November 7th: Satipatthana – Mindfulness of Mind Objects

December 12th: Right Concentration… Read the rest

Hitting Your Brick Wall

This is the first talk from the 2015 winter retreat. Ajahn Viradhammo speaks about right effort and how to maintain awareness as the five hindrances arise.… Read the rest

Developing the Wholesome – Luang Por Liem

This is the English translation by Ajahn Thaniyo of a short Dhamma talk offered by Luang Por Liem on Sunday, June 21, during the inauguration of the Dhamma hall project. LP Liem encourages us to take care of the health of our minds as well as our physical bodies. We do this by utilizing the internal and external conditions around us to increase the wholesome aspects of our lives and let go of that which is unwholesome.… Read the rest

The Wisdom of Relinquishment – Luang Por Jundee

This is Ajahn Thaniyo’s English translation of Luang Por Jundee’s talk offered on Saturday, June 20. LP Jundee explains that happiness does not come from gain or accumulation but arises from learning how to use relinquishment, reflection on the three characteristics, and the concept of mynair (uncertainty).… Read the rest

The Delusion of Obsession

On the Lunar Observance Day of Vesākha Puja (after our public celebration), Ajahn Viradhammo gives a teaching exploring how we are born into a view (or an obsession), unable to see beyond our delusion, and how we can work with these views so we can be released from them.… Read the rest

The Life of the Buddha

For the Saturday public celebration of Vesākha Puja (The celebration of the Buddha’s birth, death, and enlightenment) Ajahn Viradhammo reads from the books: Buddha – The Story of an Awakened Life by David Kherdian and The Majjhima Nikaya by Bhikkhu Bodhi. He offers comments and encourages us to use the story of the Buddha’s life as an inspiring example for our own lives and for how we practice the Dhamma.… Read the rest

Upcoming Luang Por Liem Visit, June 19 to 24, 2015

This coming week, June 19 to 24, Luang Por Liem, Luang Por Jundee, Ajahn Seyk, and Ajahn Thaniyo will be visiting Tisarana Monastery.

Luang Por Liem (who has been monk for more than 50 years) is the abbot of Ajahn Chah’s main monastery in Thailand, Wat Nong Pah Pong and was the monk who succeeded Ajahn Chah more than 25 years ago. Luang Por Liem is a highly respected elder and central figure in our tradition. He is known for his wisdom, humility, and quiet, even temperament. Over the past two decades Luang Por has been the preceptor for many monks and a source of guidance and inspiration for our widespread communities in Thailand and abroad. As well as a gifted teacher, he is also an accomplished craftsman and has been instrumental in the planning and building of many Dhamma Halls in our branch monasteries.

Luang Por Jundee has been a monk for 40 years and was ordained with Ajahn Chah just after Luang Por Viradhammo. He is presently the abbot of Wat Pah Ampahwan, a beautiful monastery in Chonburi province.

We are very happy to welcome Luang Por Liem and Luang Por Jundee to Tisarana this coming week. It is a great honour to our community.… Read the rest

Using Social Life

Ajahn Viradhammo teaches us how to stabilize the mind within our social life. We do this by using generosity and morality as a means to life stability, giving up short term desire for long term peace.… Read the rest

Dying in the Dental Chair

Ajahn Viradhammo discusses orthodoxy versus orthopraxy. He focuses on the practical approach to a life of awakening, from being aware of the glass half empty to not following unfulfilled desire.… Read the rest