We would like to update you with the following Tisarana schedule changes:
1) The Tisarana Kathina will take place on Sunday, November 8th at Tisarana Monastery
2) Teachings on the Noble Eightfold Path and the Satipatthana Sutta will be offered once a month by Ajahn Viradhammo and other monks at Tisarana Monastery in the outdoor tent.
11:00 am Dana (Potluck lunch)
1:00 pm Chanting and meditation
1:50 pm Dhamma talk on chosen theme
2:45 pm Break (those who have just come for the talk can leave)
3:00 pm Q&A
4:00 pm Finish with the five precepts
These special Saturday study groups are open to the public on these dates and with these themes:
July 11th: Right Effort
August 15th: Satipatthana – Mindfulness of the Body
September 12th: Satipatthana – Mindfulness of Feeling
October 10th: Satipatthana – Mindfulness of the Mind
November 7th: Satipatthana – Mindfulness of Mind Objects
December 12th: Right Concentration… Read the rest