Dear Friends,
I have just returned from a most inspiring journey to India and Thailand. The trip to India was on invitation from Luang Por Sumedho to join him on pilgrimage to the Buddhist holy sites. Bodhgaya, Sarnath, Lumbini and Kusinara — the place of Enlightenment, the first teaching, birth and Parinibbana — these places bring forth devotional feelings of deep gratitude and inspiration to anyone who has practiced the way of the Buddha. Being on pilgrimage with my teacher and good friend, Luang Por Sumedho was obviously very special and will inform and energize my life for many years to come. As you can well imagine I am deeply grateful.
The time in Thailand allowed me to get my teeth fixed, get a new pair of specs but most importantly a new Buddha image for our proposed meditation hall. This was organized by the Thai embassy and I had a chance to see the wax image while I was in Bangkok. It is very beautiful and I am more than pleased with the artist’s work. Included in this post are some photos. The image will be cast in bronze on the 19th of March at the factory in Nakhon Pathom north of Bangkok.… Read the rest