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TisaAdmin, Page 50

The Creation of Self in the Khandas

Ajahn Viradhammo offers a talk explaining how we compare ourselves to others and create this sense of self out of the 5 Khandas. Using reflections from the various stages of a monk’s life he shows how to watch this self creating habit by using both awareness and restraint.… Read the rest

A Reminder: Vesākha Pūjā at Tisarana, Sunday, May 22, 2016

Dear friends,

In case you missed the first announcement we wish to remind you that Tisarana will hold it’s annual Vesākha Pūjā on Sunday, May 22.

Vesākha Pūjā commemorates the Buddha’s birth, enlightenment, and passing away.

The commemoration will begin with the taking of the 5 Precepts at 10:45 am under the large outdoor tent (conditions permitting).

At 11:15 am the monks will receive the meal danā (a potluck lunch).

At 1:15 pm, after everyone is finished eating and the dishes have been cleaned, we will reassemble for blessing chants, a short sitting, and a Dhamma talk by Luang Por Vīradhammo.

Everyone is welcome to attend for all or part of the day.… Read the rest

A Life of Insight

Ajahn Viradhammo begins speaking about wholesome and unwholesome conformity and then explains how we can use personal experiences in our lives to understand the Buddha’s teachings, gaining insight into the workings of our own minds so that we can ultimately realize freedom from suffering.… Read the rest

Ajahn Punnadhammo to offer a Dhamma talk Thursday evening, May 12, 2016

Ajahn Punnadhammo, from Arrow River Hermitage in north west Ontario, is visiting Tisarana this week and will offer a Dhamma talk Thursday night, May 12th after the 7:00 pm pūjā and meditation.

Ajahn will also hold a tea time question and answer session on Monday evening, May 9th, beginning at 5:00 pm.

Ajahn Punnadhammo is Canadian, born in Toronto in 1955. In 1992, he was ordained in Thailand as a bhikkhu (Buddhist monk) in the Ajahn Chah tradition.

Ajahn began studying and practicing the Dhamma in 1979 under Kema Ananda, the founder and first teacher at the Arrow River Center. Between 1990 and 1995 he spent most of his training time in Ubon Thailand at Wat Pah Nanachat, the International Forest Monastery of Ajahn Chah. In 1996 he took over as the abbot of Arrow River Hermitage and has been there ever since. Currently Ajahn is finishing a book on beings from the ten-thousand-fold universal system (brahmās, maras, devas, asuras, yakkhas, gandhabbas, nāgas, petas, and the like).

Please join us this week if you have time to stop by.… Read the rest

Perceptions, Memories, Lived Experience

Luang Por Viradhammo explains how perceptions can change the nature of our experience. If we are aware, moment, by moment, we have the choice to move in a more wholesome direction once a perception arises, rather than being a victim to these perceptions when we do not recognize them.… Read the rest

Examining Motivation and Morality

Luang Por Viradhammo encourages us to examine our moods and motivations in terms of our moral understanding of what is wholesome and unwholesome. By abiding as the witness of change rather than reacting to our experiences, we let go of trying to get our own way, which creates a foundation for fostering harmony in our social lives and allows us to make decisions based on intuitive wisdom.… Read the rest

Vesākha Pūjā at Tisarana, Sunday, May 22, 2016

Dear friends,

Tisarana will hold it’s annual Vesākha Pūjā on Sunday, May 22. Vesākha Pūjā commemorates the Buddha’s birth, enlightenment, and passing away.

The commemoration will begin with the taking of the 5 Precepts at 10:45 am under the large outdoor tent (conditions permitting).

At 11:15 am the monks will receive the meal danā (a potluck lunch).

At 1:15 pm, after everyone is finished eating and the dishes have been cleaned, we will reassemble for blessing chants, a short sitting, and a Dhamma talk by Luang Por Vīradhammo.

Everyone is welcome to attend for all or part of the day.… Read the rest

Garden Work Bee, 8:30 am, Saturday, May 7th, 2016

Join us for a garden work bee on Saturday, May 7th beginning at 8:30 am. Bring your gardening gloves and tools! We’ll work for about three hours and the meal will begin at 11:30 am. A meditation, followed by a Dhamma talk will begin at 1:00 pm.… Read the rest

A Life of Sawdust

Ajahn Viradhammo gives teachings on what he means by “the silence of the mind” and answers questions regarding this topic. He speaks about how we expect our ourselves or our realities to be a particular way and how we can use awareness and knowing to be present for this inclination of mind, noticing the end of thinking by listening to the perception of change.… Read the rest