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TisaAdmin, Page 46

New Volunteer Request Option Available on the Website

Dear Friends,

We’d like to let you know that the subscription form on the website has been updated to include a Volunteer Requests subscription option.

We are planning to use this list to ask those who sign up to volunteer for jobs we might need, such as audio work or getting a ride to the airport, or picking an item up from Toronto.

Right now, we are looking for anyone with intermediate to advanced audio editing skills who can help us edit Dhamma talks using Audacity or a similar audio editing program.

If you are an existing subscriber to our podcasts or news updates and wish to be on the volunteer list, you can update your subscription preferences by clicking update subscription preferences at the bottom of this email.

If you are viewing this as a post, or if you are a new subscriber and wish to to be on the volunteer list, you can instead fill out the subscription form on the website and we will update your preferences accordingly.

Be well and happy,

-The Tisarana Sangha… Read the rest

Cultural Vitality, Personality, and Parami

Ajahn Viradhammo relates how the monastic tradition depends on culture for its vitality. He then develops his teaching on the concepts of personality and character development through the use of parami (perfections) amid the three characteristics of existence (suffering, impermanence, and not self).… Read the rest

The Third Satipatthana

Ajahn Viradhammo discusses in detail the various formulations of vedana (feeling), in particular, knowing vedana with upekkha (equanimity).… Read the rest

A Long Breath Out . . .

Now that the Kathina and Ten Year Anniversary are over we are breathing out long . . . Over the next two weeks, the Tisarana resident community will be taking a break from pujas and formal work until November 24th.

Feel free to come by for a visit, but please note that most of the monks will not be around, practicing diligently in our kutis. Our email will also be on hold until then, but do call and leave a message if there is an urgent need you have and we’ll try to get back to you within couple days. We will continue to hold our regular Saturday afternoon practice sessions/Dhamma talks (1:30 pm – 3:30 pm) as well as our weekly Lunar Observance sits and talks (beginning at 7:00 pm). As day light savings time ended, our meals are now being offered at 11:00 am instead of 11:30 am.

Many blessings for all who helped to support our Kathina and Ten Year Anniversary. It was a truly heart warming and memorable event.

Be well and happy,

-The Tisarana Sangha… Read the rest

The Nature of Awareness Is Goodwill

Ajahn Viradhammo speaks about the Brahmaviharas and explains how metta, goodwill, can be directed towards any experience or perception we have, allowing even difficult formations of mind to be the way they are. He then goes on to answer some questions brought up by the group.… Read the rest

Awareness: The Key to the Transcendent

Ajahn Viradhammo explores how awareness is a quality that allows us to observe the body, feelings and other phenomena, but cannot be observed itself because it is transcendent and timeless. By applying awareness to our experience of suffering, impermanence and not self, we learn to create peace within the mind.… Read the rest

Intolerance to Nonconformity

Ajahn Viradhammo explores the skillful and unskillful elements of conformity and nonconformity, tolerance and intolerance. By examining how the three fetters operate and keep us bound to ignorance, craving, and attachment, we can understand how to drop these fetters and utilize the skillful elements of these themes.… Read the rest

October 30, Sunday, 2016 Kathina & Anniversary: Update & Reminder

Dear Friends,

As the Tisarana Kathina and 10 Year Anniversary weekend is fast approaching we wish to remind you of the event and update you on some changes.

We are sorry to say that we do not have any more room for overnight guests during the Kathina/Anniversary weekend. Please try to arrange your travel so you can be here with us regardless.

Again, for our 10 year anniversary, we will have many visiting Ajahns including: Ajahn Pasanno, Ajahn Jayanto, Ajahn Kusalo, Ajahn Punnadhammo, Ajahn Caganando, and Ayya Medhanandi. In addition, we are happy to have Venerable Atulo and Samaneri Anuruddha visiting us for this special occasion.

On Saturday, October 29, 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm, we are planning to have Ajahn Kusalo lead the afternoon sitting and Dhamma talk.

For the Kathina Ceremony and 10th Anniversary, Sunday, October 30, at Tisarana:

We will have a very large heated tent with seats for 250 people along with our smaller tent, where we will serve the food.

Please see the below schedule for the following changes we have made:

8:00 am: Early arrivals to help with setting up for the Kathina (anyone is welcome to arrive early and help us set up for the event.… Read the rest