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TisaAdmin, Page 45

If You Don’t Want to Meditate, Meditate

Ajahn Viradhammo explains how to use the monastic form and the special conditions on the winter retreat for developing present moment awareness of our likes and dislikes. This mindfulness can help us respond skilfully to any wholesome or unwholesome states of mind that may arise.… Read the rest

How Do You Get the Hypotenuse?

Ajahn Viradhammo explores the use of repetition in the chanting and other practice techniques as a way to develop wisdom with regard to sankharas. He discusses how we can learn to let go of obsessive thinking by meeting it with good will and wisdom.… Read the rest

A Recipe for Meditation

Ajahn Viradhammo compares meditation based on craving with that which leads to a knowing awareness. He then leads a guided meditation using listening and bodily sensations as a way to develop this awareness.… Read the rest

A Traffic Jam of Sense Consciousness

Ajahn Viradhammo discusses the three forms of dukkha, and how becoming familiar with them can point the way to freedom from dukkha. He explains how we can cultivate the four Brahma Viharas of good will, compassion, empathetic joy and equanimity as methods for realizing this freedom.… Read the rest

Entering Our 2017 Winter Retreat

Dear Friends,

For our 2017 Winter Retreat (January 1st to March 31st) the Tisarana community will not hold its regular Saturday afternoon meditation and Dhamma Talk sessions.

The last Saturday afternoon talk this year will be held on December 31st, New Years Eve. We will resume these sessions on Saturday, April 1st.

During the winter time, you are welcome to come here any time you wish and use the Dhamma Hall for sittings or the library for reading.

On our Observance Day we will continue to hold the 7:00 pm sitting and 8:00 pm Dhamma talk throughout the retreat.

These will fall on:

January 5, 12, 20, 27

February 4, 11, 19, 25

March 5, 12, 20, 27


—The Tisarana Sangha… Read the rest

The Cards You’ve Been Dealt

Luang Por Viradhammo expounds the Buddhist practises of sense restraint and being content with little, but stresses that while these are important practises, they are methods for reaching the final goal, and not the goal itself. He offers advice in accepting one’s own kamma as the cards that one has been dealt.… Read the rest

The Point of Awakening

Luang Por Viradhammo discusses moral responsibility in terms of relating to others via the Internet. He shows how to use the Five Precepts as a guideline for wholesome interaction. He talks on the cessation of thinking as the realization of the Third Noble Truth, the point where real knowing occurs.… Read the rest

Personality and the Bramaviharas

Ajahn Viradhammo teaches us to apply present moment awareness to let go of that which drives our personalities in unskillful directions and encourages the intentions that motivate our personalities with more skillful responses. The result is a personality that is not operating out of delusion and is, instead, under the influence of the Bramaviharas.… Read the rest