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TisaAdmin, Page 42

Interested in Peace

Venerable Cunda speaks on the Five Hindrances, specifically restlessness and anxiety, and how these are tied in with regret and remorse. He points out the value of sila (morality) in overcoming these hindrances, and how right speech can be cultivated to lead us towards peace.… Read the rest

Beyond all Flat Tires

Ajahn Viradhammo gives a talk using the analogy of how we suffer when we get a flat tire and explores the skills needed to see beyond self-identified suffering due to our social conditions.… Read the rest

The Cards You’ve Been Dealt

Ajahn Viradhammo expounds the Buddhist practices of sense restraint and being content with little, but stresses that while these are important practices, they are methods for reaching the final goal, and not the goal itself. He offers advice in accepting one’s own kamma as the cards that one has been dealt.… Read the rest

Election Dukkha

This is a past talk by Venerable Khemako offered at the Ottawa Buddhist Society. Venerable Khemako examines various sources of stress in our lives and compares the situation of the US Presidential Elections as a cause of Dukkha and how we react to it.… Read the rest

Going Forth: A Year of Service

Ajahn Viradhammo talks about the commitment of a Year of Service offered by Anagarikas with the hope of understanding Sangha life and serving the Sangha on the occasion of David’s Anagarika ordination.… Read the rest

Ajahn Sucitto’s departing message – Winter Retreat 2017

As I’m writing this, I’m coming to the end of my (near) three-months’ stay at Tisarana. The time here has been idyllic, a very special occasion in this ongoing opportunity for simplicity, for discipline as a craft of the heart rather than blind conformity, and for meditation that is grounded rather than pie-in-the-sky. The elements that I appreciate in many monasteries of this lineage are all in place; brevity requires me to merely mention the fullness of the support from the lay people and their eagerness for Dhamma, apparent in those on site, but including those near and far who keep this place going. I hope I will never take this amazing heartfulness for granted. Also I only have space to make brief mention of the direct and down-to-earth warmth and helpfulness of all those in training here. It is gladdening to reflect that, as these virtues are manifesting in Canada as they are in Australia, Thailand, USA and Britain, they are universal and timeless. In the face of the corruptions and brutality that we read about in the news, we do need to remind ourselves of this beauty in others as in ourselves. Tisarana certainly provides an opportunity to witness and participate in that.… Read the rest

Resuming Our Regular Scheduled Events

Beginning Saturday, April 1st, we will resume our regular schedule. Therefore, our first Saturday meditation & Dhamma talk will be on April 1st at 1:30 PM. Please check the dates on the calendar for the regular weekly teachings on the Lunar Observance days. Luang Por Viradhammo will also be teaching in Ottawa (OBS – Quaker House) on Friday, April 7th.… Read the rest

Playing with Dominoes

Ajahn Viradhammo speaks about gratitude to one’s parents, and what to do if this gratitude is difficult to develop. He offers reflections in training the mind by repeatedly returning to the stillness of knowing, and through cultivating an awareness of the basic senses of listening and tactile sensations… Read the rest

Moral Boundaries and the Buddhist Precepts: Q & A

Ajahn Viradhammo answers questions about how to live a wholesome, productive life without getting caught in the trap of becoming. He speaks on the value of upholding the precepts and developing the parami, the Ten Perfections, as ways to develop skills without creating an ego around the skills. He also advises using meditation based on awareness of the breathing and the bodily posture as ways to gradually get more in touch with intense forms of suffering.  He recommends an objective knowing of the khandas as a skillful way to deal with interpersonal conflict.… Read the rest

What’s on Netflix?

Ajahn Viradhammo speaks on Right Livelihood in three aspects, that of profit, skill and development of character. He points out how this character development can lead to a patience which is able to overcome greed, hatred and delusion.… Read the rest