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TisaAdmin, Page 36

Guided Meditation: Focus on the Outbreath

Ajahn Viradhammo instructs the meditators to use the out-breath in order to bring vitality to one’s posture and to observe one’s hands and eyes at the end of the out-breath, all the while maintaining the head in awareness. (Talk given at Tisarana on 09-Jan-2017. Duration = 1:00:08)
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Ajahn Chah Memorial Day – The Lotus and the Tumbleweed

Ajahn Sucitto reminisces about Ajahn Chah’s predilection for the unplanned as well as his ability to perceive exactly what the present moment required. Being grounded in the present, says Ajahn Sucitto, is like watching a lotus, solidly rooted in Dhamma, blossom; whereas being immersed in plans for the future makes us as aimless as tumbleweeds. (Talk given at Tisarana on 16-Jan-2017. Duration = 42:37)Read the rest

2018 Ajahn Chah Memorial Day

Every year on 16 January we observe a special puja to remember the life and teachings of Luong Pu Chah, the founder of our ordination lineage and teacher of Ajahns Sumedho, Pasanno, Viridhammo and many other of the senior teachers in our larger community of monasteries, including Tisarana, Abhayagiri, Amaravati. The senior monks of our lineage usually attend a Sangha meeting at Wat Pah Pong in NE Thailand where the annual memorial is held and participate in the ceremonies there.

At Tisarana on 16 January we will have a puja at 7:00 PM (chanting followed by meditation) and a Dhamma talk. All are welcome.… Read the rest

A Million and One Ways to Wisdom

Ajahn Viradhammo explores the different ways in which we can adapt our meditation technique to our present disposition. He explains how to maintain a vigorous posture by locking the Hara, and how to practice yoga Nidra. For dullness, one can use complexity, such as intricate visualizations or recitation of a sutta, or evoking each individual in the room and sending them loving kindness. (Talk given at Tisarana on 08-Jan-2017. Duration = 33:23)
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Guided Meditation on the Breath and Body Scan

Ajahn Viradhammo gives an overview of using the themes of dukkha, anicca, anatta to frame experience and encourage non-grasping. Included is a complete guided meditation on posture, breath and body scan. (Talk given at Tisarana on 07-Jan-2017. Duration = 49:17)Read the rest

Entered Winter Retreat

The Tisarana community of monastics and lay supporters has entered the 2018 3-month  Winter Retreat. The resident community and retreat crew will be conducting ourselves in Noble Silence as much as possible. We thank all our supporters for this wonderful opportunity to cultivate deep practice.

From now until 31 March we will not be hosting overnight guests, although we are always open to day-visitors. Also our usual Saturday afternoon program is suspended, it will resume in the spring when the retreat is over. We will continue to offer a Dhamma talk as usual on Lunar Observance days at 7:00PM.

Happy Winter!  – Khemako… Read the rest

Ordination: Anagarika Peter becomes Samanera Sirimedho

Peter’s ordination: 15 Dec 2017 –  email message from Luong Por Viradhammo:

Peter is now officially Samanera Sirimedho. We had a simple Pabajja ceremony this morning and Sirimedho is radiant in his new robes – happy fellow. I’ll try to get some photos to you shortly. 
The ordination took place in Chennai, India with Luong Por Sumedho as preceptor.
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Christmas Shopping & the Brahmaviharas

Ajahn Viradhammo talks about how Christmas, a season of goodwill and cheer can turn into a daunting time of expectations and stress and emphasizes using the Brahmaviharas as vehicles to promote goodwill while facing adversity and our own defilements.… Read the rest

What’s the Point?

Ajahn Viradhammo explores the meditation theme, Nibbana. He helps us understand how to use the subtle theme of peace as an object of meditation.… Read the rest