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Listening to Silence

Ajahn Viradhammo offers a guided meditation to a large crowd on a Spring afternoon at the monastery. He prioritizes being aware and awake, encouraging our minds be present with the knowing. (Guided meditation recorded at Tisarana on 27 April 2019. Duration 11:13)Read the rest

Ajahn Candasiri’s Schedule

Ajahn Candasiri will be in Canada and the US for a few weeks and she’ll be giving some teachings in Ontario:

One of Tisarana’s longstanding friends in the Ajahn Chah tradition is the nun Ajahn Candasiri, who ordained as a Sīladhārā with Ajahn Sumedho in 1983. You can see a brief biography of her here.

The Ajahn in visiting North America this year and will spend a few days at Tisarana. We’ve scheduled her to give the Vesak Dhamma talk on 18 May.

Other scheduled public Dhamma talks by Ajahn Candasiri that we have heard about include:

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Ajahn Candasiri for Visākha 2019

A Special Dhamma talk on a Special Day

Visākha Puja or simply ‘Vesak’ is a traditional Buddhist holiday observed on the first full moon in May. It commemorates three important events: The Buddha’s birth, his enlightenment, and his passing away.

Tisarana’s 2019 Vesak celebration will be held on Saturday, 18 May. The event will start around 10:45 with taking the five precepts, a blessing and a rice pindabhat, followed by a meal offering. In the afternoon around 1:30PM there will be a short sitting meditation and then a special Dhamma talk offered by our friend and visiting nun, Ajahn Candasiri of Amaravati monastery in England. (More on Ajahn Candasiri’s teaching schedule here)

If you’ve never been to a Vesak celebration before, well, you’re in for a treat. Think of a big pot-luck communal meal with a couple hundred like-minded friends and strangers all happily participating, followed by an inspiring Dhamma reflection.

If you are bringing any food for the potluck, please arrive by 10.30 AM at the latest. The meal will be offered by 11.15 and the sit will commence at 1.30 PM.

All are welcome!

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The Object of Your Own Subjectedness

On New Year’s Eve before the start of 2019, Tan Khemako encourages us to look back on the wholesome actions we performed over the past year and reflect on our good fortune. He explains how negative mind states are simply habits that can be let go, thus enabling the cultivation of happiness and continued well being. (Talk recorded at the Tisarana on 31 December 2018. Duration 41:20)Read the rest

Finding Stillness in No Thought

(Note: this talk was truncated due to a recording malfunction.) On the full moon of Magha Puja, Ajahn Viradhammo invites us to ask the question, “What would this moment be like with no thought?” He shows that while wordly situations use a certain amount of thinking for successful navigation, one who is aiming for enlightenment requires the trust and patience found in the stillness of no thought. (Talk recorded at the Tisarana on 19 February 2010. Duration 26:02)Read the rest

Not In This Reality

Tan Khemako offers a Dhamma talk on how the mind puts labels on things as being good or bad, and takes it as being self. In reality, good and bad are simply a product of the mind, they don’t exist in reality. (Talk recorded at the Tisarana on 15 December 2018. Duration 39:10)Read the rest

Photo Book 2018 print copies

Order a hard copy of last year’s photo book.

We’re planning to place an order for several more hard copies of the 2018 Photo Book. You can see and download an on-line version of the book here.

If you would like to purchase one or more copies of the book in printed form (approximately $82 before discounts) you can ‘ride along’ our planned order. Please fill out this form and submit it by 01 May to add your name to the bulk order. Once we have all responses we can get a firm price and our office volunteer will contact you about payment and shipping.
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What Arahants Know

Ajahn Vajiro, abbot of the Sumedhārāma Monastery in Portugal, offers reflections on the fruits of the Buddhist path. He encourages us to know the qualities of abundant generosity, freedom from suffering, and the realization and opportunity given by this precious human life. (Talk recorded at the Tisarana on 4 April 2019. Duration 37:44)Read the rest

Ajahn Vajiro Saturday

Special Saturday Speaker

We have had the good fortune to host Ajahn Vajiro, a 40-vassa English monk and the abbot of Mosteiro Budista Sumedhārāma, Portugal, for a week’s stay here at Tisarana.

This Saturday, 06 April 2019, Ajahn Vajiro will be offering the Dhamma talk for our regular Saturday program. The program starts at 1:30Pm in the Tisarana Dhamma hall. All are welcome!

Ajahn Vajiro headshot
Ajahn Vajiro at Tisarana

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New Training for New Guests

Taking more time for first timers

As Tisarana has grown and become more popular we have noticed an increase in sincere guests who never get to properly understand the monastery or how it works. We think this is because there’s so much going on during the “work year”, and we haven’t set ourselves up to properly orient guests who may have very little prior exposure to monastic traditions.

To address that issue we are implementing a new 3-day training program for new guests. We have cleverly named this the “New Guest Orientation Weekend“. Catchy, eh?

The schedule for these trainings can be seen on our Calendar. The first one is scheduled for next weekend, starting 05 April.

The program is meant to thoroughly orient new guests to every important aspect of Tisarana, our lineage from Ajahn Chah, key monastic regulations, the economic, social, and spiritual functions of the monastery, along with such practicalities such as how to bow properly, or where to sit in the Sala, or where are the good hiking trails. The program will be delivered by our own resident community, including our main steward, Niraso, along with the guest monk, the senior monks, and the junior monastics.… Read the rest