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Q&A with Luang Por Sumedho

Visitors take advantage of the wonderful and rare opportunity speak with Luang Por Sumedho during a Question and Answer session here at Tisarana. A variety of topics were raised, one being how one should develop a sense of ‘samvega’ , or spiritual urgency, in ones practice and daily life. (Q&A recorded at Tisarana in July 2019. Duration 44:17).Read the rest

Tea Time with Ajahn Asoko

During his short period of time here at Tisarana, Luang Por Sumedho’s attendant, Ajahn Asoko, answers questions from various guests staying at the monastery at tea time. One subject brought up was how one should skillful practice Asuba meditation, contemplating the unattractive nature of the body as a means of letting go of our sense of self and attachment to it. (Q&A recorded at Tisarana on 26 July 2019. Duration 1:38:13)Read the rest

Don’t Take Anything Home With You

Image result for Ajahn Khemasiri

Tahn Ajahn Khemasiri, visiting from and former Abbot of Dhammapala monastery in Switzerland, explores how we can hold different levels of Buddhist conventions, pointing out that the conventions are a framework to support our practice, he encourages his fellow mediators to not cling to any results, but instead to embody our experiences in our daily life. (Talk recorded at Tisarana on 24 July 2019. Duration 30:22)Read the rest

Subjectivity vs Objectivity

Luang Por Sumedho encourages us to look at experience as it is rather than trying to constantly change conditions to fit what we like, which in the end is what causes us suffering. In letting go of this self-centered tendency, one will find peace. (Q&A recorded at Tisarana on 21 July 2019. Duration 53:07)Read the rest

Samanera Ordination & Luang Por Sumedho’s 85th Birthday

Samanera Ordination

At 1:30 p.m. on Saturday, July 20, Anagarika Christopher (center), Anagarika Lancelot (left) & Anagarika William (right) will take novice ordination (Pabbajjha) and become samaneras under the preceptorship of Ajahn Vīradhammo. All are welcome to attend.

There will be a meal offering that day at 11:30 a.m. Shortly after the meal and cleanup, the ordination ceremony will start. All are welcome to attend the dana (meal) – do feel free to bring a dish to share with everyone. If you don’t plan on attending the dana, then please plan to be at the monastery by 1:15 p.m.

The ceremony will be followed by a Dhamma talk given by Luang Por Sumedho. All of this will take place in our large outdoor tent at the monastery. Everyone is requested to take their seats by 1.25 p.m. at the latest.

Luang Por Sumedho’s 85th Birthday

On the 27th of July 2019, Luang Por Suemdho will celebrate his 85th birthday with the Tisarana Community. After the dana meal offering at 11:30 a.m., the community will gather into the main tent at 1:30 p.m. starting the ceremony by asking for forgiveness.

The monastic community will then offer special chanting for good health and Luang Por Sumedho will give a Dhamma talk.… Read the rest

Brain Surgery and Anesthesia

Ajahn Viradhammo expresses joy and approval at Tisarana’s newest community member arriving with generous offerings and commitment. He outlines a strategy for countering the negative, critical mind, a comprehensive practice that includes determined reflections of good will and three techniques for staying with the present moment. (Talk recorded at Tisarana on 12 April 2019. Duration 34:05)… Read the rest

Spring Work Bee #2 – July 7th

Join us for our second spring Work Bee on July 7th at 8:30 am to help prepare Tisarana for Luang Por Sumedho’s upcoming visit.

We are sprucing Tisarana up for Luang Por Sumedho’s arrival to Tisarana on the 11th with his attendant Ajahn Asoko. We’ll be planting trees, gardening, landscaping and doing grounds maintenance. The shared potluck meal will begin at 11:30 am, and after the meal we’ll continue working until 4:30 pm or later. Things to bring:

  • willing hands
  • possibly a dish for the meal
  • partial shade flowers that deer don’t like to eat

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Abandoning the Unwholesome

On a snowy winter’s night at Tisarana, Venerable Khemako illustrates that even more important than performing meritorious acts is the abandoning of unwholesome ones. He shows how this practice of renunciation leads one from attachment and suffering to freedom from samsara. (Talk recorded at Tisarana Buddhist Monastery on 12 February 2019. Duration 31:58)Read the rest