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Cultivating the Motivation to Meditate

Two weeks into the winter retreat Tan Khemako considers how to skillfully increase ones motivation to practice formal meditation when the mind is being distracted by trivial pursuits. He gives a summary of the Rattapala Sutta (Majjhima Nikaya Sutta 82) and reflects on its message. (Talk recorded at Tisarana on 20 January 2019. Duration 33:23) Read the rest

Consider Thunder Bay: Monastery Steward needed at Arrow River

Winter Retreat Server wanted at Arrow River

Ajahn Punnadhammo needs a steward to serve the winter retreat at Arrow River Forest Hermitage for the months of February and March 2020. If two months are difficult, the critical requirement is for at least the month of February.

Main duties would include cooking and serving the meals and some handy work / experience in maintenance would be an added bonus. Some driving may be needed intermittently.
Arrow River Hermitage allows one to live closely with nature and offers a Dhamma experience that is simplified and without distractions.

Given the nature of the hermitage and the weather, people accustomed to outdoor winter activities will find this an invigorating experience.

Anyone interested can contact Aj. Punnadhammo by emailing him at Details of Arrow River Forest Hermitage can be found on their website:… Read the rest

The Mind Will Go Chicken

Tan Khemako answers a question about the Buddha’s teaching on non-self. He expounds about the uncertainty of all phenomena, and how the practice of meditation can prepare the mind for the moment of death (Q&A recorded at Tisarana on 6 January 2019. Duration 1:03:03)Read the rest

A Mind That’s Not Suffering

Venerable Khemako gives a guided medition, and follows by offering some Dhamma reflections. He addresses the fundamentals of the Buddhist path, namely the Four Noble Truths and the Noble Eightfold Path, and the primacy of reducing mental suffering. (Guided Meditation and Dhamma Talk recorded at Tisarana on 2 April, 2019. Duration 1:42:05)… Read the rest

Strengthening the Capacity to be Aware

Ajahn Viradhammo describes the path of practice to participants of the Ottawa Buddhist Society’s Day of Mindfulness, pointing out how our experience is better understood through verbs rather than nouns. He follows with a guided loving-kindness meditation. (Dhamma talk and guided meditation recorded at Tu-An Pagoda on 20 April 2019. Duration 1:11:11)Read the rest

Skillful Uses of Time for Long-term Happiness

Tan Khemako uses the simile of training a horse as a way to explain the training of the mind to be skillful, step by step. He explains how to find pleasure in doing things that give long-term benefits. (Talk recorded at Tisarana on 2 November 2018. Duration 1:02:33)Read the rest

Establishing the Unestablished

Ajahn Viradhammo explains how to come to the Awakend Mind by establishing the appropriate supports, illustrating how our behavior and thinking patterns condition our minds. He goes on to describe the nature of clinging and what happens when we free ourselves from it. His Dhamma talk is followed by questions and answers. (Dhamma talk and Q&A recorded at Tu-An Pagoda on 20 April 2019. Duration 59:50)Read the rest

The Response Robot

Tan Khemako answers a question about how do deal with obsessive thoughts and confusion, through mindfulness and investigation. He discusses how the training brings intentions to the surface, so that we can consciously set good intentions leading to desirable results. (Q&A at Tisarana on 2 December, 2018. Duration 1:22:17)Read the rest

Don’t Confuse the Methods with the Goal

Ajahn Viradhammo discusses how the methods or practices of Buddhism such as metta practice or morality often get taken up as goals in and of themselves. Although these practices can be reflective tools for deep peace, having a goal-oriented mindset to the practices (i.e., I should do that) is bound by wordly conditions and self identity. He describes how the Buddha pointed to a peace that is beyond the conditions of the mind. (Dhamma talk recorded at Tisarana Monastery on 15 August 2019. Duration 34:50 minutes)Read the rest

Annual General Meeting at Tisarana

Notice of the Annual General Meeting for the Year 2018
Date – Sunday, 17 November 2019.
Place – Tisarana Buddhist Monastery –
Time – 1:30 PM
The Directors of the Board of Tisarana Buddhist Monastery cordially invites all members of good standing to attend the Annual General Meeting (AGM) scheduled to be held on Sunday, November 17, 2019 at 1.30 PM. 
A special resolution to change the Bylaws will be made at the AGM to facilitate the monastery’s online banking and payment of bills that will reduce the required number of signatories from two to one.
Tilak Gunawardhane
Secretary to the Board
November 1, 2019… Read the rest