Progress Update: July 8, 2008

>> Hay Day
This Sunday, July 13th will be our second official Hay Day to remove the the hay from the barn. We will work rain or shine–it’s mostly indoors. There is plenty of other work if you can’t shift hay.
*WHEN: Work starts at 8:00am. We will break for lunch at 11:30am. Work continues after lunch until 5pm. Come as early as you can.
*WHO CAN HELP: Anyone! The work is not strenuous. It is very dusty, though. If you have asthma we will find other things you can do to help around (especially the kitchen) so come one come all.
*WHAT TO BRING: Work cloths. Towel for showering afterwards. Rain jacket if you have one. Dust mask if you have one (we will provide for those who do not).
*Staying overnight: There is still some space available Friday night and Saturday night for those who would like to stay over. Please book on line through the website.

>> Sink Sukha
Started with some drippy dukkha. Ended up with some super sink sukha. The kitchen now has a bigger sink to make cooking and clean up much easier. Come and give it a test run. You won’t realize how bad it was until you try the new one.

>> The Luxurious Lawn
Great gratitude to Dianne for all her lawn mowing here. She’s happy to share the fun if anyone else is interested.( It looks so much fun that the monks are starting to get jealous. And thanks to Dr. Denny for doing a speedy repair job on the mower, saving us another trip to town. Amazing.

>> The path is clear
Laurence has cleared the way through the woods with the bush hog so now is a perfect time to visit and take a walk. What we thought was the peak of the wildflowers a few weeks ago was really only just the beginning.

>> From the book _The_Stillness_of_Being_, by Ajahn V:
Sometimes Buddhism can seem to involve an attitude of, “Leave me alone, I’m trying to get enlightened.” Even metta practice can be like that. You can be sitting there saying, “may all beings be well, may they be free from suffering,” when someone interrupts your meditation and you snap at them. It’s easier to idealize universal compassion than to actually live it. To be in a relationship with someone who really presses your buttons and to be aware of that is a spiritual practice.